For the ones hustling to improve themselves and their urban life


By 1:06 PM ,

How do you like red cabbage? Did you know it has cancer-preventing benefits? It is easily digested and acts like a soothing cloth for the stomach, helping with many gastrointestinal conditions, constipation or the very annoying irritable bowel syndrome. This beautiful purple leafy plant is filled with vitamin C and will give you 56% of your vitamin C only consuming 1 cup of it a day, so as a result your immune system is boosted by increasing the amount of white cells in your system in order to fight infections and other bacteria.
At the same time, a cup of red cabbage contains 33% of your daily intake of Vitamin A and 28% of Vitamin K, this last one will help you lowering your osteoporosis and cancer risks! This delicious red cabbage is well known as well for reducing inflammations and stopping the growth of cancerous cells by inhibiting certain enzymes while at the same time helps your body to recover and repair the damage caused by the carcinogens.

Now that we're all set knowing all the benefits this beautiful plant has to offer us, I will show you today a way to enjoy it! There are endless recipes and salads with red cabbage but today we are making steaks!


☂ 1 medium red cabbage, sliced
☂ 1 tablespoon of olive oil per steak
☂ sea salt
☂ chilli powder
☂ paprika powder
☂ sesame seeds
☂ oregano
☂ fresh basil
☂ black pepper

1. Preheat your oven 200 Celsius degrees. Prepare a baking tray lining it up with baking paper.
2. Cut the fresh cabbage in slices. Arrange and fit in the baking tray.
3. Spread 1 tablespoon of oil per slice. Add the spices to all slices.
4. Bake for aprox. 15-20 minutes. Check on them so they don't burn.

Enjoy right away alone or with your organic ketchup or even a spinach-mushroom cream you can easily prepare (I might upload another recipe for this).

Isn't it delicious? Can you imagine this IN A VEGAN BURGER? I can! And so I will do today!

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