For the ones hustling to improve themselves and their urban life


By 8:38 PM ,

Click the picture to read more >> Today it's going to be a rather quick post. I just remembered those childhood cozy evenings when grandma was preparing this corn meal dish served with sweet onion, a little salt and sometimes sausage or little pieces of oven cooked beef steak.

I would like to introduce you to "Pulmentum" as the Romans called this corn meal dish. It's supposed to be a substitute for bread and can be eaten as I mentioned before or accompanied by a good thick soup though as with bread, everything works with it. It's really easy to make and takes few minutes. 

Depending on your preferences you can make it more liquid or steady as the one I did (I like it when it's steady so I can cut it and serve it in an easier way, plus is not that messy and it tastes the same).

✔︎ 270 g Maize Flour
✔︎ 500 ml water
✔︎ 2/3 teaspoon of salt
✔︎ 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (sunflower or olive oil)
✔︎ Turkish yoghurt to serve

1. Get a deep enough pan and heat the water, oil and salt.
2. When it's warm enough but not boiling yet, start adding the maize flour little by little and always stir. It's extremely important to stir constantly because the mix might boil soon and small particles of the mixture might jump on you and burn you. If you stir you will avoid this.
3. When you reach the desired consistency (you can add more maize flour during the stirring process or you can wait until it thickens at its max) get out of the heat.
4. Serve in a plate, make a hole in the center and add Turkish yoghurt blended with a little salt and pepper. Add some fresh sweet onions with a little salt to taste.

Have you ever tried this dish? It's quite common in Eastern Europe and fairly common in France, as I've heard. Would love to hear if you have any variations!

Tag me in Instagram and Twitter at #helsinGEEK with your recreations! Leave a comment down below if you wish and have a lovely rest of the evening!

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