For the ones hustling to improve themselves and their urban life


By 12:04 AM ,

Click the picture to read more >> It has been some time since the last update. This is going to be a recipe I've just came up with inspired by my last visit to the Swedish History Museum's exhibition "Meet The Vikings". I loved it there and I recommend you to everyone that wishes to see and know more about the Vikings. The exhibition is going on until 23rd of August and afterwards you will only be able to get a guided tour through the Viking side of the museum until 30th of August, so you better rush if you're visiting Sweden any time soon! You can check for more info here.

And going back to this simple yet filling dish! The story goes like this: I have way too many potatoes from the mökki! Needed to make something with them (well I still have some!) and decided to tender them and decide later what to do.
Started to put together pretty simple ingredients and here we have the result!

✔︎ Potatos
✔︎ Salt, pepper, parsley, satureja (optional, but gives a lot of flavor)
✔︎ Sunflower or Olive oil
✔︎ 3 glasses of water
✔︎ Cheese Cream (I've used this)
✔︎ Grated Cheese
✔︎ 250 g Chicken Breast
✔︎ 1 onion

1. Heat the pan with the oil. Wash and peal the potatos, place them in the pan and add the spices.
2. Add the water.
3. When the water gets absorbed, add the cream.
4. Add the grated cheese at the end of cooking so it melts in the pan with the potatos.
5. For the chicken, heat the pan and add the onion slices and leave until they get soft.
6. Add the chicken and spice simply with salt and pepper. Fry.
7. Put the dish together serving both of them. Add some fresh parsley for more taste.


If you recreate this recipe, I would love to see the result! So make sure you hashtag me in Instagram #helsinGEEK

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